Mar 26, 2013

Happy tree friends.

Facebook made us all friends. We all like each other, we say nice things and we behave. Harmony. We're all correct, sustaining the right causes by a click, liking the food we can't possibly cook in our kitchens and the cats we can't really take care of. Lovely. An uniform mass of lovely, kind creatures, all behaving and smiling. Isn't that cute? 

You might argue that some things, like porn should not be shared, but kept in a secret folder to be tasted from time to time, in small portions that keep you wanting more.

And I agree. I'm a nice creature.

So, the next video is a book adaptation, done for a fashion magazine and it teaches us the value of a clean cold table and other healthy things, like showering and clean sheets.

See you soon.

Mine from Alvaro de la HerrĂ¡n on Vimeo.

Mar 25, 2013

Fashion News

I grew up with them. I fell out and in with love with them.
They are responsible for the way my mind shapes ideas.

You know their work is so different, you think only they can mix it in a concert.
You're very reluctant to any cover.

For anyone whose ears, mind, heart and skin resonated with Depeche Mode, take one hour off and listen to this. Give your mind a Sunday on a Monday.

It haunted me for the weekend. I was selfish enough to keep it to myself. Indulge in it. Remember old things, envision new ones.

Speak to you afterwards.

Mar 22, 2013

Speak to you later.

There was a time when you could share stuff with only a handful of people. And that was good cause maybe even a debate would be born from that. Maybe you were making new friends and enemies. It was anyway, a night out, when people shared a good wine and some interesting stories.

Then sharing networks appeared. You would share and share and share and share. Nothing would be just for you anymore. You would get likes and comments and that would make you feel important, validated, liked.
Until you find something that good, you don't want to share it. It's so obscure but brilliantly tasty, perfectly touching your soul, in so many ways, you want to keep it to yourself.

And then you feel uncomfortable.

But that's what usually happens when you change your routines.

Keep that obscure thing obscure for 2 more days. If it's that hip you'll see it on a wall in your face.
But keep it with/within you for a while. Let it haunt you, let it resonate with the other things that, along the time form-ulated you. Let it stay, get its vitamins. Like you do with great food. You don't spit it out, you slowly swallow it, tasting  it, feeling how good it is for you.

Let it form you, still. Listen to it, before you talk about it.

Nope, I'm not sharing it just yet. 2 days. It's, at least for me, painstakingly good.

Mar 19, 2013


Less facebook, more real intenet routine pays off.

Found Blom&Blom, 2 brothers devoted to forgotten items from forgotten places.

"We collect, restore and redesign industrial lamps and furnishings, in order to give these authentic pieces a new existence. With a particular passion for industrial artefacts from the former DDR, we stroll across East Germany in search of abandoned factories and the stories they hold."

Finding old objects, giving them a new life is far from being a revolution. Respecting their history though, is a tender touch B&B casts by showing old pictures of the objects, in their original location.

Mar 15, 2013

Today is a new day.

De cativa ani, ma trezesc cu Guerrilla de dimineata, emisiunea lui Dobro, Oprina si pana de curand a lui Craio. Trebuie sa recunosc ca in ultima vreme, ma enervau glumele de topor preistoric ale lui Craio. Insa cand am aflat ca a plecat de la Guerrilla, m-am intrebat, ca toata lumea, cum va fi emisiunea fara el.

Baietii, asaltati de feedback, incearca de o saptamana, sa se regrupeze si sa reinveteze emisiunea.

Si asta e un lucru minunat. Sa schimbi felul in care faci acelasi lucru, sa nu ramai paralizat de teama schimbarilor care vin uneori fara ca tu sa le fi cerut, sa accepti ca uneori lumina cade si altfel decat vedeai tu.

Asta nu poate sa aiba decat rezultate bune. Trebuie insa sa dai timpului, timp.