Aug 31, 2012

Sa repetam impreuna de 10 ori. Inspira o generatie.

Am ramas socata azi cand unul dintre colegi a zis ca i se pare ca Jocurile Paralimpice sunt o prostie.
Suntem " disabled " doar pentru ca pe pasaport scrie Romania. Eu nu ma plang.

Sa faci performanta de orice fel, in tara asta, e un efort supraomenesc. Sportivii romani se antreneaza in conditii mizerabile si totusi reusesc sa ne rupa ne inimile si ochii cand, ca prin magie urca steagul sus si se aude "Desteapta-te romane".

Nu vreau sa incep sa-mi inchipui ce inseamna sa fii sportiv paralimpic in Romania. Nu vreau.

Si tocmai pentru ca, impotriva contextului nefericit, ei reusesc sa faca ceea ce fac, merita mai mult decat ceea ce cuvintele respect si admiratie pot exprima. Mult mai mult.

Si tocmai pentru ca tara e asa cum e, cred ca TVR putea sa faca efortul sa transmita Jocurile Paralimpice. Tocmai pentru a inspira o generatie. Pentru a ne face mai toleranti atunci cand intalnim persoane cu dizabilitati, mai umani, mai generosi, mai intelepti, pentru a ne scoate din apatia vietilor noastre pe care le vedem atat de imperfecte, din depresia  iminenta a zilei de nastere, pentru a ne face sa fim recunoscatori dar mai mult, si cel mai important pentru a da incredere si forta celor care s-au nascut sub o stea mai putin generoasa decat noi toti, normalii cu toate mainile, picioarele si, credem noi, toti neuronii acasa.

Desteapta-te romane din somnul cel de moarte. Cine a zis asta? Ca mi se pare destept tare.

Aug 23, 2012

I'm starting with the man in the mirror.

I think about death at least every 2 days. And don't get me wrong - I love life. Thinking about death makes me appreciate life even more. And I think all of us, sane people, we should exercise this. It gives an interesting perspective on priorities.

But when I die, cause like it or not that shit is coming, I want this song to be played. Make the effort and google the lyrics.

The post is really about inspiration and why I love Beyonce. I'm not trying to convince you to buy her music. Go beyond your musical genre and look at her, google her. She is a hell of a woman, a hell of an activist and yeah, a hell of a singer.

She did this for UN World Humanitarian Day - 19th of August and she recorded this.

Just look at her and feel inspired. Or maybe I just trust the human kind a bit too much, nevertheless, please chew on this:  "Do something good, no matter how big or small. For somebody else."

Cause at the end of the day, when the lights are off, we all want to fall asleep knowing that we made a difference, that we touched hearts, we brought someone to happiness, left this world a little better just because we were here.

Well, we all have to live with narcissism every day.

Aug 21, 2012

Death is like surgery.

You think you're a dog person. You're so convinced until a cat purrs itself into your life. You hear all those things about cats. That they will do and that they won't do this or that.

You get a cat. You're not very convinced. And then, out of the blue, you're lost. You have no clue when it happened. Next step, you take pictures of the sodding fluffy furry ball, you facebook, instagram them, cause, of course you see the universe in it. You think it teaches you stuff.

Truth is, the sodding, annoying thing teaches you stuff about truly embracing randomness, about precious love that is build in years, grace, perfume, indulgence, sleep, zen, you know, the Universe.

You like it when your friends get cats, you somehow feel connected once more cause you have another subject to marvel about.
It's wonderful.

Until your friend calls, crying and you can hear  e v e r y  f u c k i n g  cell of her heart tearing apart  when she says Tigra died. You feel the pain, it's so overwhelming, you get shivers down your spine.

The end.

You go and see your friend - it's a tragedy. It really is. You ponder about life and death, about friendship, guilt and so much more. The fluffy thing managed to get you wrapped around it's claws. And you realize you're a slave to love.

A cat will do that to you. Like it or not.