Dec 22, 2005

** ***** * ** **** ** *

for the kids who still believe:

christmas cards

from billboart

christmas cards

from ciubi

christmas cards

from dragos platon

Dec 21, 2005

Dec 20, 2005

united colours of benetton

3 easy steps.

Dec 19, 2005


and took some pics.


after all he's not to blame.
he's actually trying to escape all the christmas bullshit.

Dec 15, 2005


"The rapid rise of the blog phenomenon has dramatically influenced politics over the past few years, and now blogs are changing how the art world communicates. Interactive sites, which are devoted to contemporary art and offer news, reviews, gossip, and links, have made art openings as easy to follow as the stock market. The freedom of the blog format also allows "citizen critics" to weave social commentary and personal anecdotes with spontaneous photographs, videos, and relevant links.
In New York, some art journalists have left print to become prominent bloggers. Tom Moody's site is chock-full of photos, artwork, and funny commentary about new media art. James Wagner, who runs ArtCal with his partner and fellow art-blogger Barry Hoggard, defines his own mix of politics and art criticism on Overseen by the artist Joy Garnett, NEWSgrist melds art and activism for the digerati. John Perreault's Artopia is notable for its un-bloglike reviews — long, thorough, and full of entertaining tangents.In LA, provides a miscellany of West Coast commentary and traveling reports from fairs and blockbuster shows.
San Francisco's hybrid ezine/blog Fecal Face hits readers with loads of video and an inexhaustible link list. The prolific and peripatetic Tyler Green writes Modern Art Notes from DC but files reports from across the country and often dialogues with other blogs, such as Iconoduel, out of Chicago. Down south, Miami-based newcomer the Next Few Hours offers a local perspective on the city's burgeoning art scene, and collector Erik Schneider covers notable museums and galleries in Atlanta.Although this form of instant criticism is still very much an American phenomenon, the blognosis for international art blogs is good.
You can catch different accents on the Sydney-based site the Art Life and Diary of an Art Pimp, out of Melbourne, as well as the UK's Londonist, Things magazine's blog, and Art in Liverpool, the last of which showcases events and opportunities from this future cultural capital. Meanwhile, Artforum's Scene & Herd has become the must-read gossip column of high-profile international shows. (JK) "
via artkrush

hired graffiti artists

sony did it


with wooster collective founders

Dec 13, 2005


like the text but i would like to see more than words.

like it

suggestion book

silent strike

web site ready.

Dec 12, 2005

Dec 8, 2005


you all know the wonderfull billboard.
news from wQA! bistrita

dreams can damage your mediocrity

from wQA!


"The BÜKREŞ Blog
a blog about a city we all love to hate

Dec 6, 2005


future in bucharest
via incepem
a while ago i posted something about va urma

Dec 5, 2005


face of tomorrow
decades of playboy
got these two via incepem.
reminds me of marianne


read about this lecture at IASPIS.
reminded me of one of the romanian archivers.
and of mika taanila's "future is not what it used to be".
"Today Kurenniemi is obsessively devoted to preserving his own consciousness. He continually records an audio diary, shoots video, and takes at least 20,000 photographs a year. This accumulating mass of documentation is then regularly fed into a computer, storing the record of his existence, his mind and consciousness in digital bytes, thus creating a reconstruction of his life, a "virtual persona," to be premiered in July, 2048."

Dec 4, 2005

post national day

noticed it today.
maybe he or she also hanged special lights so that the wonder could be seen by night also.

Dec 3, 2005

"a history of romanian photography in the 80s"

plus other texts on about by contemporary artists critics curators.

Dec 2, 2005

good news everyone

feeder brings official good news.
knew about it since september but still good news.

like it

bubbleproject. via stefania
reminds me of another contemporary artist that i like.
erick beltran, who works with public space.
one of the things he did was to print posters with only a small text:"j'accuse" so that people on the street could write whoever, whatever they were accusing for whatever they were accusing.
like this one better for the simplicity of his action.
in an interview he was saying that art in public space should give voice to those who don't have one.

japanese films


Dec 1, 2005

national day

received by it.publish it.
a text by dragos platon
" Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca in copilarie nu stiam prea multe despre forma unei tari. Nici nu ma gandeam ca forma unei tari poate intruchipa ceva anume. Ca toti ceilalti copii de varsta mea, am ramas surprins sa aflu ca Romania are forma unui peste sau a unui buchet de flori.
Putin mai tarziu entuziasmul a disparut o data ce am realizat ca "pestele" este orientat spre stanga, chiar daca suntem obisnuiti cu descifrarea lucrurilor de la stanga la dreapta. Cu sa fara o functie simbolica la mijloc, "pestele" orientat spre stanga, inoata contra curentului si la o analiza detaliata, are gura usor intredeschisa si botul alungit. Pana aici n-ar trebui sa ne ingrijoreze nimic avand in vedere ca pana si pastravii inoata deseori contra curentului si se decurca foarta bine.
Daca luam in calcul si a doua ipoteza, ca Romania ar avea forma unui buchet de flori, deducem rapid ca acesta are o anumita inclinatie ce te face sa crezi ca destinatarul a uitat sa-l ridice.
Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca nu ma incanta ideea ca Romania ar avea o anumita forma, asa cum nu ma incanta nici ideea conform careia Italia are forma unei cizme, in ciuda popularitatii.
Nu-mi place ca steagul tarii "ascunde" trei culori principale plasate pe verticala.
Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca este o zi cenusie, friguroasa, un inceput de iarna sau un sfarsit de toamna tarzie. Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca ceilalti isi sarbatoresc ziua nationala in lunile calduroase de vara. Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca mi se spune la televizor "tu esti Romania" si apoi, in pauza publicitara, cineva o parodiaza pe Marina ca "a plecat la cules in Spania"; daca schimb canalul trebuie sa ma prind in hora si sa-mi intampin oaspetii cu paine traditionala si sare...o fuziune "ideala" între brand, traditie si PR.
Nu vreau sa mi se spuna ca sunt negativist, dar ma intreb pana la urma ce "ingrediente" contine brandul de tara si ce fel de legitimitate au acestea?
Sau poate sunt negativist, dar am o idee de spot publicitar: o incapere bine luminata cu mai multe actiuni...o femeie speriata care culege capsuni printre picioarele unui taraf agitat, un fotbalist ce faulteaza o gimnasta aflata in offside....un parinte zambaret care calca cu grija alaturi de enoriasi printr-o duzina de biserici in miniatura, si reprezentantul segmentului dezorientat al societatii, stand pe o canapea, cu un pelican pe umarul stang; si ca sa nu distrugem ceea ce deja incercam sa construim, spotul poate rula doar in cercuri restranse.
Nu stiu daca sunt simplu dar nici simplist, si daca vreau sa gasesc un raspuns trebuie sa ma intorc in timp, in urma cu 12 ani, atunci cand cumparam de la tarabe poze cu Jean-Claude Van Damme. Nu existau inca reviste occidentale pe piata si cineva a stiut sa speculeze acest lucru. Printre blugi, aur si dulciurile gasite in Turcia acel cineva cumpara si o revista in voga, multiplica cateva poze facute pe postere, si noi copiii ne inghesuiam apoi la tarabe, in fata acestor poze alb-negru, cu celebritati de care nu auziseram mare lucru.
In ce ma priveste, tentativele ridicole ale anilor 1992-1993 reprezinta unul din raspunsurile vagi al propriei identitati. Este una din formele ce s-a perpetuat tot mai mult si continua sa ma afecteze.
Si nu este nicidecum forma unui peste sau forma unui buchet de flori...
Nu sarbatoresc nimic pe 1 decembrie pentru ca nu putem convinge pe nimeni cu imagini de manastiri colorate intr-un spot publicitar, ca apoi pe Euronews sa vedem cadre cu exorcizarile de la manastirea Tanacu. Nu putem convinge exteriorul cu imagini de manastiri pline de mister intr-un spot publicitar, si in cotidianele locale sa lansam campanii de restaurare a acestora. Nu putem amagi pe nimeni cu performantele gimnastelor cand lotul deja s-a desfiintat; cel putin nu acum, si nu in aceasta forma.
Nu sarbatoresc schimb o sa fac altceva pe 1 decembrie...o sa numar steagurile amplasate pe Bulevardul Unirii si apoi o sa-mi imaginez ca sunt un aristocrat, ce vorbeste aiurea despre viata, cu miscari lente, si cu un pahar de apa minerala in mana."